The Son follows high-achieving lawyer Peter, played by Hugh Jackman, struggling to cope with his teenage son’s mental health issues, examining the difficulty that normal working and achieving parents have understanding and finding solutions for their children’s mental health.
Think-Film’s mission was to amplify Director-Writer Florian Zeller’s message and call for more awareness of youth mental health, while driving forward conversations and actions for Social Emotional Learning, providing young people and parents with the tools to manage and communicate complex emotions and needs.
Impact Highlights include:
- High-level screening in Brussels for 300 policymakers, youth organisations and civil society, with a video message from European Commissioner for Health Stella Kyriakides and Director Florian Zeller and concluded with a virtual live Q&A with actor Zen Mcgrath, encouraging audiences to share their own experiences in European Commission’s open public consultation on mental health.
- Exclusive VIP screening event in London with introductions from Hugh Jackman and Florian Zeller, attended by mental health advocate and MP Dean Russel, Mental Health Foundation and Samaritans.